
Cosby seeking defence lawyer for Pennsylvania criminal probe

Representatives for Bill Cosby have quietly contacted prominent Philadelphia-area criminal defense lawyers to gauge their willingness to defend him, sources say – a step that signals the comedian’s expectation he could soon face charges in Pennsylvania stemming from a decade-old sexual assault allegation.


Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Ferman won’t confirm her office is reinvestigating the complaint by ex-Temple University employee Andrea Constand. However, she said in a recent statement “prosecutors have a responsibility to review past conclusions … when current information might lead to a different decision”. Though he still maintains that none of the women he slept with were drugged without their knowledge, scores of women have claimed that Bill Cosby methodically drugged and sexually assaulted them over the span of the last 40 years, reported Jezebel. Back when the case was first brought to light the district attorney didn’t feel like there was sufficient evidence. However, a lot of women since then have come forth with their stories of sexual assaults by the veteran comedian.

Dolores Troiani, Constand’s lawyer, said that if the case were reopened, her client would cooperate fully in the new investigation, since the case is quickly reaching its 12-year deadline for the state’s statute of limitations.

Constand claimed that in January 2004 Cosby sexually assaulted her at his mansion in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.

Legal experts have said, however, that Constand’s case may have grown stronger in the years since. According to a report from USA Today on Wednesday, Bill Cosby seeks defense lawyer help.

Cosby has repeatedly denied any sexual impropriety with Constand or any other woman. “She’ll do whatever she needs to do, whatever they ask of her”.

Cosby, who starred as Dr. Cliff Huxtable on “The Cosby Show” from 1984 to 1992, maintained that the sexual activities were consensual and that none of the women took quaaludes unknowingly. He recalled investigating the complaint as a misdemeanor case.


Troiani accused Castor of defaming Constand with his latest remarks.

Actor Bill Cosby speaks at the National Action Network's 20th annual Keepers of the Dream Awards gala in New York