
Council moves to add e-cigs to smoking ban

If you use an e-cigarette to get your nicotine hit in Saskatoon, the city wants you to take a walk.


“Getting people on to nicotine rather than using tobacco would make a big difference to the public’s health – clearly there are issues in terms of having smokers addicted to nicotine, but this would move us on from having a serious and costly public health issue from smoking-related disease to instead address the issue of addiction to a substance which in and of itself is not too dissimilar to caffeine addiction”.

Michael Mullins, of the Smoke Free Alternative Trade Association, said the bill would “stymie a growing industry” of e-cigarette products. Their analysis showed those traits played a role but didn’t fully explain the link between e-cigarettes and later tobacco use.

Many states in the United States have rules about where people can vape and rules that prevent the sale of e-cigarettes to minors. While majority pertain to e-cigarettes, one of them did revive the once defeated proposal to raise the tobacco age to 21.

Public Health England said this week that many people wrongly believe e-cigarettes carry health risks in the same way cigarettes do.

But it is concerned that the debate is leading some smokers to think e-cigarettes are just as unsafe as normal cigarettes.

Public Health England has said the electronic devices could be a “game-changer” in Britain’s battle against smoking and doctors should offer them as an effective quitting aid.

In 2009, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act banned fruit-and candy-flavored cigarettes. The experts explained that, although, e-cigarettes were not a total risk-free resort, it could prove to be better option than conventional cigarettes.

They published a review that said vaping is 95% less harmful than tobacco.

“Some teens may be more likely to use e-cigarettes prior to combustible tobacco because of beliefs that e-cigarettes are not harmful or addictive”, said the study authors.

AN East Lancashire businessman has criticised the findings of a report from Government health officials which says Global Positioning System should be able to prescribe e-cigarettes on the NHS. In addition, it’s recognised their potential to help people quit smoking altogether, and says it looks forward to the day when the NHS can prescribe medicinally regulated devices.


Smokeless tobacco products includes chew, dip, snus (smokeless tobacco that users slip between the lip and gum) and a host of emerging products and compared to cigarettes, these products can contain more nicotine.

E-cigs may be reason for almost 1000 fewer Kirklees smokers signing up to