
Couple kidnapped by Taliban beg for life in latest video clip

“We remain concerned, obviously, about the welfare of Caitlan and her family, and we continue to urge for their immediate release on humanitarian grounds”.


“I know this must be very terrifying and horrifying for my family to hear that these men are willing to go to these lengths, but they are”, Coleman, wearing a black headscarf, said in the video.

An American-Canadian couple kidnapped by the Taliban in 2012 stated in a latest video clip that surfaced, that their captors would execute them if the Afghanistan government did not change its policies with regard to the Taliban prisoners.

An Afghan Taliban member told The Daily Beast that Boyle, Coleman, and their two children are in good health and are being held in a place where they can move around and exercise.

The video, uploaded to YouTube, came to public attention through the Maryland-based Site Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist activity online.

Her child would now be somewhere between three and four years old. The Colemans last saw their daughter in July 2012, when she set off for Russian Federation on a hiking trip with Boyle that took them through Central Asia and ultimately into war-torn Afghanistan.

United States and Canadian officials have said they are aware of the video of Caitlan Coleman, a USA citizen and her Canadian husband, Joshua Boyle, who were kidnapped in 2012 while on a backpacking trip.

A Pennsylvania native, Coleman was pregnant when she and her husband were captured while hiking in Afghanistan, and she has twice given birth in captivity, according to her parents.

Last month, Jim and Lyn Coleman revealed that they had received a letter from their daughter in November through a neutral party.

Kirby says the US government is concerned about the couple’s welfare and urged “their immediate release on humanitarian grounds”.

“Thank you for sharing such wonderful news”.


The video is temporarily off line but we are working to bring it back for you. Senior counterterrorism officials tell ABC News that Coleman is being held as a hostage against her will and efforts have been made to secure freedom for the young mom and her kids.

Couple Held Hostage By Taliban Seen For First Time in Three Years