
Couple still uses a 1925’s vacuum cleaner because of its multifunctioning features

A couple are still using a vacuum cleaner of 1925 model because it also grinds coffee, minces meat and spray paints.


The couple, wife Mary Waite, 61 and husband Ivor, 63, from Halesowen, got this awesome German Piccolo machine as their wedding gift in the year 1976 from his aunt.

They said that this machine was made by the German company Hammelmann Werke and working very smoothly even after so many years.

Couple still uses a 1925’s vacuum cleaner because of its multifunctioning features

They said that this machine includes a coffee grinder, a mincer, a food processor, a vacuum cleaner, paint sprayer.

The Piccolo – which cost 20 guineas, around £25 in today’s money – has never broken down.


Couple still uses a 1925’s vacuum cleaner because of its multifunctioning features2