
Crawley votes to leave European Union as United Kingdom also opts for Brexit

EU referendum: in the aftermath of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union, illustrators have been quick to post their reactions on Instagram and Twitter.


Crawley’s result was 22,388 votes for “remain” and “31,447” votes for “leave” and the result was announced at 3.22am by Crawley Borough Council.

“This morning the reality is actually hitting in and the regret is hitting in”, she said.

Adam added: “The David Cameron resignation has blown me away to be honest and the period of uncertainty that we’re going to be magnified now so yeah, I’m quite anxious”.

“If the pound hasn’t recovered by the end of July I’m gonna start regretting my vote”, wrote one, referring to the record plunge the pound took on Friday morning, when it dropped to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985.

The editor of the BBC programme also tweeted: “With leave voters in Manchester for BBCNews -most told us they woke up thinking “what have I done?” and didn’t actually expect the United Kingdom to leave”.

The results have mirrored an Express & Star poll which saw potential voters from across the Black Country and Staffs indicate they would vote Leave. “But if I had the opportunity to vote again it would be to stay”.

The Leave campaign stacked up 52 per cent of the votes – despite massive support for Remain in Scotland and major cities including London.

She put her ill-feeling about the referendum down to feeling lied to and said backing “Leave” was something “I regret more than anything”.


Unsurprisingly, social media users have ridiculed his sentiment, taking to Twitter to mock his interview. Turnout in the referendum was 71.8% – with more than 30 million people voting.

One woman identified only as Mandy, said she was'disappointed by the outcome and that if she had the chance again she would vote to remain in the EU instead