
Crowd boos Ted Cruz after he stops short of Trump endorsement

But she said the presidential contender rejected her offer.


“This was a movement all across this country”, Cruz told a cheering crowd outside of the convention hall.

Meredith McIver said she offered to resign, but Donald Trump wouldn’t let her, reports Newsday’s Emily Ngo.

However, he later called on Republicans to unite behind Mr Trump’s nomination, a point he is expected to make in his vice-presidential candidate’s speech in Cleveland.

Do YOU think Trump’s campaign is in legal trouble?

When the one-term governor takes the Cleveland stage, he will make his first major speech since presidential nominee Donald Trump asked him to do the job.

Mrs. Trump was the first in the family to address the convention, warmly casting her husband as kind and loyal.

Eight years ago, Mrs. Obama said: “And Barack and I were raised with so numerous same values: like, you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you’re going to do, that you treat people with dignity and respect”.

McIver said Melania Trump had read passages from Michelle Obama’s speech over the phone to her as examples.

There were similar overlaps in a passage dealing with conveying to children that there is no limit to what they can achieve.

“I did not check Mrs Obama’s speeches”.

Charles Moran, a Republican political strategist and the Immediate Past Chairman of the California Log Cabin Republicans, an organization representing gay conservatives and their allies; he is a Trump delegate for California’s 44th district which includes South Los Angeles.

Hours before giving the speech, Melania Trump, a Slovenian-born jewellery designer and former model, told NBC’s Today that she had written it with as little help as possible. This was my mistake and I feel awful for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs Obama. “No harm was meant”.

Here’s her background, per Phillips: She has been a full-time staffer for the Trump Organization since at least 2001. Speakers have painted an apocalyptic vision of America if she wins and have aggressively challenged her character.

She graduated with honors from the University of Utah in English, her bio said.

She was originally from San Jose, Calif., was a Ford Foundation scholar at 14 and also claimed to have been a dancer who trained at George Balachine’s School of American Ballet.

Trump added: “I thought it was terrific the way she came forward and just said, ‘Look, it was a mistake that I made.’ She thought it was very unfair to Melania”.


He said Cruz’s advice actually amounts to an endorsement since there’s only one candidate on the ballot in November who’ll uphold the Constitution – and that’s Trump, he says.

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