
Crowds Gather for Kasich Announcement

Polls show only about two percent of Republicans support him.


America overcame those obstacles by “staying together, not by dividing each other”, he added.

“I realized that objective was more important than party”, Kasich said. He backs the Common Core State Standards for Ohio schools, and previously said opponents are engaged in “hysteria”.

Huntsman withdrew from the 2012 race after not winning a single primary. The New York Times explained how those last few spots in the first debate are up in the air at this point, since so numerous many candidates are one-percenters.

“But Kasich enters the race with a number of pretty big obstacles working against him”, writes Zelizer.

Speaking at Ohio State University, Kasich offered fiscal discipline, a stronger military and compassionate conservative vision for the poor if he overcomes long odds to win the Republican nomination and then the November 2016 election. Questions remain about his discipline, whether he is able to raise enough money to compete and whether he can break through in a crowded field.

Everyone we talked with thought Kasich could turn around the budget deficit.

Kasich told supporters that while it wasn’t easy, he got the job done. “I’m here to humbly tell you that I believe I do have the skills, and I have the experience”.

Kasich boasted of his experience on the state and federal level. She hopes anyone, whether it’s Kasich or someone else, can do a better job. He stressed balancing the budget, cutting wasteful military spending, taking on special interest and changing “Washington culture” but did not go into many specifics.

“We have to get him elected first but certainly to have an Ohio President would be an unbelievable thing”.

“The American Dream is pivotal to the future of our country”, he said.

“I care about them”.

The former congressman is considered a relatively moderate Republican with an impressive resume and executive experience, and his home state of Ohio is a perennial key to his party’s success in a presidential general election. “Throughout his career as a member of Congress, a Wall Street banker, and Ohio’s governor, John Kasich has proved many times that he will always put the desires of the wealthy and special interests before the needs of the middle class”. “And I believe I know how to work and how to restore this great United States”.

Meet John Kasich, one of the many who wants to be your next president. “He’s just not providing lip service”, Derickson said. Kasich asked. “Don’t be running around the country dividing America”. The wide-ranging, disorganized speech void of specific policy ideas aside from a balanced budget amendment could be seen as a missed opportunity to make a much-needed impact.


He said the deal would bring about “buyer’s remorse”.

Ohio To Require Students To Be Immunized Against Meningitis story image