
Cruz ad highlights Carter’s Trump ‘endorsement’

Former President Jimmy Carter said he would have preferred to see Donald Trump in the White House if he had to choose between Trump and his Republican competitor Ted Cruz.


“If I had a choice of Republican nominees, between Cruz and Trump, I think I would choose”. The reason why Carter chose Trump over Ted Cruz was his malleable character.

Trump took a break from his attacks against rival Ted Cruz on the campaign trail one day after slamming Cruz on social media, accusing him of stealing the Iowa caucuses with official-looking campaign mailers.

“In Ted Cruz’s world, dictators do very well”, he continued, comparing his colleague’s foreign policy to that of Ron Paul, the former congressman, Republican presidential candidate and long-time leading libertarian.

Carter’s comments have even become a part of Cruz’s argument against Trump on the campaign trail.

“And people spreading rumors that I had dropped out and that people should caucus for somebody else”.

Cruz said the country needs “a commander in chief, not a “Twitter-er in chief” and questioned Trump’s judgment and temperament”. And he was a senator from Texas.

Carson, who did not suspend his campaign and merely went to get a change of clothes and then attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, was still steamed. I think it’s fine – it’s called politics.

“Trump is not afraid to rock the boat and the boat needs to be turned over”, said Vivian Walker, a New Hampshire voter. In the past, Donald Trump has asserted that Cruz is an anchor baby, which if true would probably disqualify Cruz from taking the White House. “In Iowa, he had 85 percent of young people”.

The Cruz campaign said it was “all Cruz” and that it “just came to him”.

Despite an apology from Cruz about what happened in Iowa, Carson has made it known that he is not happy with what happened in Iowa.


Early Thursday morning, Trump again suggested that his second-place showing in Iowa should be moved up to first place.

The Latest Carter Trump more 'malleable&#39 than Cruz