
Cruz blames attacks on family for not endorsing Trump

Cruz’s remarks met equal parts booing and applause from the audience and a thumbs-up from Donald Trump – an indication the real-estate mogul was wary about his former campaign rival’s remarks. “Stand and speak and vote your conscience. God bless each and every one of you and God bless the United States of America”. Cruz left the stage to a chorus of boos while his wife Heidi needed security’s help leaving the arena as Trump supporters heckled.


Cruz halted his campaign two months ago, having outlasted all but Trump in a field that once numbered 17 candidates.

“Don’t come out on stage if you don’t want to endorse”, Eric Trump told NBC.

Having the last word. “Reassure Conservatives and give Republicans energy and enthusiasm and excitement to go out and campaign for him between now and November”.

“We have the right to free speech”, Weidenkopf said.

“Melania Trump said, “the strength of your dreams and willingness to work for them.’ Twilight Sparkle from ‘My Little Pony” said, ‘This is your dream”. “But I think we’re at a place in our country’s evolution where it’s particularly important now, with all that’s happened and the concerns that people have, for a positive vision to be laid out”. I don’t mean to do any harm. And I can be trusted with the presidency.

After that episode, Pence, the IN governor and a favorite of conservatives who have decidedly mixed feelings about Trump, tried to make his mark to a nation that knows little about him.

The remarkable moment upended what was shaping up to be the convention’s most successful night, and overshadowed Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s national convention debut as Trump’s running mate. He had no hesitation in turning the fodder to faith. “If you still doubt what I’m saying, as we say back home, you can’t fake good kids”. And I have faith. “He’s a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers”, Pence said.

Faith is something most republicans have in their men. But for those hoping he would soften his image, a kinder, gentler Trump isn’t likely to emerge.

While Cruz was still onstage, Trump made a grand entrance to the floor, motioning to an ecstatic crowd. Patton, who is black, said she was proud to support Trump “not just in spite of the color of my skin, but in fact because of the color of my skin”.

It was a bold move for the guy Trump calls “Lyin” Ted, ‘ whether the history books see him as reading the writing on the wall, or costing Trump some needed votes, one thing about elephants. they never forget.


We got some inside information about what he’ll say.

No sign of Trump endorsement, but plenty of Cruz ambition