
Cruz blames Trump and his ‘henchmen’ for tabloid story

Cruz shot back with a tweet of his own, saying in part, “Donald, if you try to attack Heidi, you’re more of a coward than I thought”.


Trump is currently leading the Republican pack as he now requires less than 500 delegates to reach the figure if 1,237 necessary to win the party’s presidential nomination.

“We have run our campaign with the principles that Ted and I believe in and a lot of the things that are done from time to time are not from our campaign”.

Cruz responded with anger when asked if he will support Trump is he wins the nomination, “I’m gonna beat him for the nomination”. J.P. Pearlman, a 25-year-old who walked over to hear Cruz from his investment banking job during his lunch break, said he didn’t take it personally.

The billionaire warned Cruz he would “spill the beans on your wife” after an anti-Trump group ran an ad in Utah featuring a picture of Trump’s wife, Melania (above), from a photo shoot that ran in a magazine more than a decade ago.

“A majority of non-Trump supporters seems to be in favor of a brokered-convention process at this point in the campaign”, said pollster Patrick Murray. Both Ted and Heidi Cruz are separately barnstorming the state this week, and the campaign this week became one of the earliest groups on Wisconsin television.

Heidi Cruz herself then spoke in front of reporters on Wednesday morning, briefly refuting the threats by saying that the allegations are not “based in reality” before quickly pivoting towards a general campaign message for Ted. In the House, too, few lawmakers have said publicly they won’t support Trump if he is the GOP primary voters’ choice.

“Wisconsin represents the next opportunity to defeat Trump in a major way and begin to narrow the gap between Trump and Cruz’s delegate counts”, the memo reads.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, meanwhile, came away with no delegates last night. The event takes place five days before the April 19 NY primary.

A frustrated Cruz charged Kasich with playing “spoiler” by taking votes that could have gone to him. The former first lady, senator and secretary of state is considered the front-runner among possible Democratic candidates.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has a wide lead over her Democratic competitor, Vermont Sen. Loose cannons tend to misfire.

That capped off an entire week where the GOP’s two leading contenders for the Republican nomination pretty much wrestled in the gutter.

“This state has a megaphone and a platform”, Cruz said. He said in an email that “I’m just interviewing potential delegates” for Trump. But he made his analysis clear. “My friend Governor Kasich can not”, Walker said in an interview with WTMJ-AM broadcast on Wednesday.


Ted Cruz’s wife had sharp words for Donald Trump after he warned he’d “spill the beans” on her in a vague tweet. Peoples reported from Washington.

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