
Cruz blasts Trump as a fake conservative

During a pro-gun event at a New Hampshire shooting range this month, Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz explained his views on protecting Second Amendment rights, freedom and liberty for all Americans.


Former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele says he believes Donald Trump will be the Republican Party’s nominee in the general election.

On Saturday morning, Mr Trump, whose bombastic style is frequently displayed on Twitter and TV talk shows, delivered a fresh broadside against the Texas senator.

NBC News reported that Trump’s margin over Cruz sharply increased since last month, when the same poll found five points separating the two candidates.

As soon as he walked off the tense debate stage in Charleston on Thursday, Cruz suddenly shed any coyness about biting into Trump’s persona.

Bringing up the “nonsense” question of Cruz’s citizenship in particular, Levin said, “Whatever candidate tries to draw us into these arguments and these debates that are mindless, that are useless, that are not gonna save this republic, they’re not gonna affect the debt… then I call them out!”

“I’ve lived in New York City and Manhattan all my life”, Trump said.

Complementing Cruz’s attack was a tweet sent out by his campaign Saturday morning, embedding the 1999 Russert interview on “Meet the Press”.

“What Ted Cruz said was outrageous, it was disgusting, it was hypocritical”, King said Friday on CNN.

The war of words between Cruz and Trump has intensified in recent days, with Trump going on the offensive over Cruz’s eligibility to be on the ballot given his Canadian birth and for Cruz’s failure to disclose loans received from Citibank and Goldman Sachs for his 2012 Senate race. Earlier this week, Cruz portrayed the first unreported loan, from Goldman Sachs, as a paperwork error. When a woman asked how she could convince neighbors and friends who are supporters of Trump, Cruz took a more circumspect route to his criticism.

“You know in terms of a commander-in-chief, I think we ought to have someone who isn’t springing out of bed and tweeting in response to the latest polls”. The phrase “Ted Cruz citizenship” has an index number of 100 on Google Trends, which means that of the number of things googled, this phrase is 10% of the searches, according to the Google Trends Support page.

Monday was day two of a five-day, 17-stop bus tour for Senator Cruz in New Hampshire.


“There’s a big move to move you to the middle of the pack, that’s not going to happen, if I win, not going to happen”, Trump said.
