
Cruz comes under fire for comments on ‘New York values’

Asked by reporters whether he wanted to apologize for saying this week that Donald Trump, his main 2016 rival, “embodies NY values”, Cruz turned the tables, laying out a three-minute riff on things for which he would rather apologize.


The Republican presidential candidates returned to the campaign trail today after squaring off last night on a debate stage in SC. Still, Mr. Cruz had a not-so-inspired moment himself, mocking Trump’s “New York” values, the latter invoking the 9/11 attacks and calling this declaration and insult to the city.

Rick Perry, the former Texas governor, defended Cruz’s comments.

Cruz also apologized to those “denied jobs because Gov. Cuomo won’t allow fracking” and those who are “pro life and pro marriage and pro second amendment who were told by Gov. Cuomo they have no place in NY”.

The New York billionaire and the Texas senator appeared to have a split decision by the end of the night, a sign that for all the bluster, little took place that could derail Trump from his lead position with a contest in Iowa on February 1 to begin the search for a Republican presidential nominee. Hey, Cruz, you don’t like New York values? “Go back to Canada!” the cover read, with an image of the Statue of Liberty giving the middle finger.

De Blasio was quick to say amen: “I agree with Gov. Cuomo’s remarks”, he said, adding that anyone who is pro-life “does not represent the views of the people of NY”.

“According to the FEC (Federal Election Commission), Cruz has raised close to half a million dollars from NY donors this election cycle alone”, the pair wrote.

The Daily News headlined: “Drop Dead, Ted – Hey, Cruz: You don’t like N.Y. values?”

“I apologize to all African American and Hispanic school children that Mayor de Blasio tried to throw out of their charter schools that were giving them a lifeline and a chance at the American dream”.

“Defendant Candidate Ted Cruz is not constitutionally eligible to be elected President and/or Vice President of the United States”, the lawsuit filed by Newton Boris Schwartz alleges. Some expressed outrage while others were more light-hearted.

The New York congressman said Cruz was using a “cheap shot” on New York to appeal to the people of Iowa for votes.

I am in no way endorsing Cruz for president; I am planning to caucus for Jeb Bush.

Donald Trump has questioned the Calgary-born Cruz’s eligibility to be president.

September 11 widower James Smith knows something about NY values.


Not a lot of New Yorkers have given money to Cruz’s bid for the White House.

Donald Trump On Ted Cruz'I don't know if he is a nice guy