
Cruz deflects allegations of criticism of Trump

Trailing Cruz in the Winthrop poll were Carson (14 percent), Florida Sen.


Voters nationwide do not seem enthusiastic about about a Trump or Clinton presidency, but there is somewhat more anxiety about Trump in the White House (64%) than Clinton (57%). Cruz’s campaign called the report “misleading”.

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, who has been reluctant to speak ill of Donald Trump on the campaign trail, would not say on Thursday whether he told donors behind closed doors that he questions Trump’s judgment. Trump tweeted out the poll number without comment, but the implications for the GOP were clear. The one thing that is for certain is that it is bad news for Dr. Ben Carson.

Candidates will most likely talk a lot about national security, while Trump will most likely sustain his initial proposition of keeping track of Muslims and forbidding them from entering the U.S. A sizeable 36 percent of Latinos said they would vote for the Republican presidential candidate.

The Monmouth University poll released shows that Cruz passed up Trump.

Cruz also said in a radio interview last week he would appoint Trump to build a wall along the border with Mexico, a key Trump talking point, were Cruz elected president.

“Both of them I like and respect”, said Mr. Cruz, according to one attendee, who requested anonymity to describe what happened at a private event.

Trump dominates the field as the most trusted to handle the economy, garnering 55 percent, 46 points above his nearest rival, most trusted to handle the federal budget (51 percent), illegal immigration (48 percent), ISIS (46 percent), and foreign policy (30 percent). For both Trump and Carson, this week represents a drop in favorability from late November.

Clinton’s biggest GOP lead is against Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who has the highest unfavorable ratings of any candidate in either party.

On Dec. 2, also in South Carolina, Carson clarified that he doesn’t “think we need to be spying on all Americans” and said any searches should come only after the government has secured a warrant that complies with constitutional protections against illegal searches and seizures. Trump (29%) has a two point lead over Cruz among self-identified conservatives (27%). Trump has 32% of the support from voters surveyed, up 6 points from September.

CNN itself noted the different results in its write-up of its survey.


What do each of these horse-race polls have in common?

Donald Trump