
Cruz dismisses ‘swamp theories’ on citizenship

Constitutional scholars generally agree: The term “natural born citizen” refers not just to a person born within the United States but also to people who were citizens at the time of the birth. “The burden of proof is on the candidate”. Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada, on December 22, 1970, to Eleanor Darragh, from Wilmington, Del., and Rafael Cruz, a native of Cuba. The family moved back to the United States about four years after Cruz was born.


“I want to thank you for what is officially the most colorful question we’ve had on the bus tour”, Mr. Cruz said. She was an American citizen by birth. But legal experts say a child’s citizenship can be determined based on where he or she is born and who the parents are.

Got problems with Cruz’s fitness for the presidency? “A lawsuit by a member of the public or a member of Congress would nearly certainly be dismissed for lack of standing”.

For years, the Republican Party had nothing but patronizing nods and winks for the unhinged birthers – Trump included – who claimed, despite definitive proof to the contrary, that President Obama was born in some other country. But even without a lawsuit, Trump may benefit from questions being raised about his closest rival in Iowa, where caucuses are set to be held February 1.

Ted Cruz has something in common with President Barack Obama. “And so the legal issue is straightforward”. “Go to court now & seek declaratory judgment – you will win!”

Who says Donald Trump lacks subtlety? The polls, so far, support that.

Trump dominates the field in New Hampshire as well, leading with 33%. But aside from one snarky tweet only indirectly responding and an offhand comment Friday about Trump’s plane, Cruz has refused to fire back. “She’s never been a citizen of any other place”.

McCain said during a Phoenix radio interview that Cruz’s birth overseas and his eligibility to become president is “worth looking into”. He said he was born in Vermont.

However, the jokes at Trump’s expense come after the billionaire businessman has spent significant airtime ribbing Cruz over his Canadian birthplace and whether it jeopardizes his eligibility to be president.

Cruz has consistently poked fun at Trump’s wealth, telling a late night host that he would like Trump to write his campaign a large check and joking in a GOP debate that the NY builder should personally pay for a wall on the Mexico border.


“Mr. Trump is not raising the question, he was asked and answered”, his spokesperson Hope Hicks said in an email.

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz R Texas speaks during the Values Voter Summit held by the Family Research Council Action Friday Sept. 25 2015 in Washington