
Cruz makes return visit to Arkansas as part of Southern tour

Allen notes that Cruz’s more moderate tone with respect to marriage equality at the fundraiser can be made to fit what he’s said on the campaign trail, but it takes some work. Allen describes a Q&A period at a NY law firm where the audience tended to be a lot more liberal on these social issues. And I’m curious: “Given all the problems that the country’s facing – like ISIS, the growth of government – how big a priority is fighting gay marriage going to be to a Cruz administration?” “Is it a top three priority for you?’ And Senator Cruz says ‘no” and then gives what he’s always said about referring it to the states.


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Please note that comments are automatically checked for inappropriate language and will be removed accordingly. We have to show we have learned from this game”.

Cruz: “No. I would say defending the Constitution is a top priority. And that cuts across the whole spectrum – whether it’s defending [the] First Amendment, defending religious liberty”.

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He called the timing of the protest “unfortunate”. “We raised the bar”, said Pastor Danny Givens of Above Every Name Church in St. Protesters marched with fists raised in the mall’s hallways, but “participants” were soon told to leave or be arrested.

He later added: “People of NY may well resolve the marriage question differently than the people of Florida or Texas or OH….” By late summer, she said, the River Valley Teenage Republicans were a grassroots advocacy group working to put Cruz over the top.

China lawyer’s sentence suspended in surprise verdict
Pu was also scathing about the government’s policies in Tibet. “He said he thanks everyone and he wants to rest”, he added . In his closing remarks that day, Pu asked the judge for a verdict that will “stand the test of history”, his lawyer said.

In the past, Cruz has threaded the needle on the issue of gay marriage. Davis’s adamant refusal not just to issue licenses but to let anyone else do so was the polar opposite of the live-and-let-live attitude Cruz wants his NY funders to perceive.

As The Blaze reports, the Politico story was brought up on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, and the panelists seemed to think it was much ado about nothing.

Cruz said another factor in the race is what he termed “campaign conservatives” and said he is the only candidate who has stood up to Washington.

Catherine Frazier, the Cruz campaign’s national press secretary, said however: “These comments are nothing new….” And the only issue I really disagree with you about is gay marriage.

Returning to Arkansas after campaign appearances in August, Cruz told about 1,400 inside a packed gymnasium Tuesday that he would dismantle President Barack Obama’s policies if elected president.

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) at the Presidential Family Forum in Des Moines, IA. It’s nearly word for word what I said on Stephen Colbert.

NOM president Brian Brown, however, appeared utterly unconcerned about Cruz’s commitment to defending traditional marriage.

“The 10th amendment says if [the constitution] doesn’t mention it, it’s a question for the states. I can understand why not”, he said, drawing laughter from a crowd of 1,400.

Campbell says he’s also in Cruz’s corner.


Hannity, who has praised Trump’s tax plan and defended him against critics of his proposal to close US borders to Muslims, also took Cruz’s side after the “maniac” remark, saying on his radio program that Trump won’t succeed by ripping the Texan the way he has other opponents.

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz