
Cruz May Have Hurt Political Career Failing to Endorse Trump

He was introduced by his daughter Ivanka who announced a childcare policy proposal that the campaign had not mentioned before. And then, came the mic test.


DONALD TRUMP, (R) Presidential Candidate: I love the media. They’re so honest. They’re such honorable people.

“YouTube will again be the official live stream provider of both the Republican National Convention, which starts on Monday, July 18 in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Democratic National Convention, kicking off on July 25 in Philadelphia, Pa”, YouTube wrote in a blog post. It’s great to be here. And they’re doing a great job. And the police are doing an incredible job. Ted Cruz, stopped far short of endorsing the nominee and drew loud boos.

The Texas senator came to Cleveland with his eyes on a future White House bid and hopes to capitalize on nominee Donald Trump’s divided base of support; instead, he might just have ruined his career. “Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution”. On the convention stage, however, Cruz did what he always has.

Even on Tuesday, as the heavily pro-Trump delegates from New York, Pennsylvania and California danced to “New York, New York” when he received the votes necessary to clinch the nomination in the roll call, entire delegations at the periphery of the convention hall, including Texas, Colorado, Utah and Virginia, remained largely seated.

Still, Gutierrez, who counts 20,000 Hispanics as part of his online organization, thinks there’s a larger issue here. He lost. He’s a poor loser. I’m ashamed of him.

But the Republican party rank-and-file lapped it up, rising to its feet in standing ovation after standing ovation and displaying none of the divisions that have plagued the four-day convention.

LISA DESJARDINS: Some Cruz supporters, on the other hand, defended their man.

MAN: I don’t blame him either way. You know, it was a very bruising primary. “I don’t know if Donald can keep that out of him”, said Gilmore. I have seen him fight for his employees. Maybe it was Trump suggesting that Cruz’s wife was dowdy?

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”, Cruz said of the Republican nominee.

“What I wanted to do last night was lay out the principles I believe we should stand for as Republicans”. Senator Cruz, the strict constitutionalist, chose not to accept the strict terms of the pledge that he signed. By crossing leaders in Washington, Cruz had successfully portrayed himself to voters back in Texas and across the nation as someone willing to take on the party apparatus when no one else was. The lineup includes tech billionaire Peter Thiel, a co-founder of PayPal, and Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, co-chair of the Republican Platform Committee.

Cruz’s rejection of Trump didn’t sit well with other elected Republicans who have accepted Trump’s primary victory.

For the “PBS NewsHour” in Cleveland, I’m Lisa Desjardins.

GWEN IFILL: We head down to the convention floor now. “We will make America proud again”.

“To people all over America, I say, when you have my father in your corner, you will no longer have to worry about being let down”. What are you watching for tonight?

Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Even when you’re Ted Cruz, and kind of an enormous asshole yourself.

Nevertheless, many top Republicans acknowledge privately that Trump is likely to lose in November, quite possibly by a wide margin.

In the speech that he’s about to give, we will hear a lot of the themes we have heard throughout the week of an unsteady world, of it’s a chaotic world.


Trump also attempted to cast Clinton as a representative of corporate interests, asserting that wealthy donors were attempting to influence the former secretary of state by donating money to her campaign.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland