
Cruz Might Get Back Into Race If He Wins Nebraska

The good voters of Nebraska may pull a Melisandre and resurrect the lifeless corpse of Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign on Tuesday.


Cruz, in an interview Tuesday with radio host and supporter Glenn Beck, opened the door just a crack to kick-starting his now-suspended campaign if he somehow starts winning primary contests again.

“We launched this campaign intending to win”. If circumstances change, we’ll always assess changed circumstances, but I appreciate the eagerness and excitement of all the folks in the media to see me back in the ring.

Still shaken by Donald Trump’s triumph, Republican and conservative foes of the billionaire can still cause headaches for the party’s presumptive presidential nominee at this summer’s GOP convention.

“There’s going to be a lot of thinking, a lot of praying and a lot talking between all of us”, said Kay Godwin, a Cruz delegate from Blackshear, Georgia. The thought of Donald Trump as the GOP nominee has revved up the Never Trump movement and has helped to drastically increase Libertarian Party membership.

Asked if he believes he can support Trump, Cruz said voters should not rush to make a decision.

After polls closed in Indiana, Cruz said he was suspending his campaign.

Plus, Cruz ran away from the question about a Trump endorsement…

“The senator suspended his campaign after a crushing defeat in Indiana”.

“Well, I am not holding my breath”, Cruz said.


Could Ted Cruz really get back in the race for president before the Republican convention in July? If you want to know my greatest disappointment, my greatest disappointment is that I wasn’t able to win for them.

WASHINGTON – Sen. Ted Cruz says he wants another term in the Senate