
Cruz, Rubio Highlight GOP’s Non-Trump Path

Rebel Snodgrass agreed with the Sandy Selden’s constitutionalist stances saying of Cruz, that his votes align 88 percent of the time with how the Constitution is suppose to be interpreted. The Texas senator proved to be beloved by evangelicals, even if maligned by many others in his party, and adept at mounting a powerful grass-roots operation. Donald Trump’s second-place finish at 24.3 percent was a humbling blow to the boastful mogul who had dominated the polls for weeks. Marco Rubio, with a third-place finish of twenty-three per cent, nearly beat Trump, who had about twenty-four per cent with most of the precincts counted. Clinton and Sanders entered Monday in a surprisingly tight Democratic race, reviving memories of the former secretary of state’s disappointing showing in Iowa eight years ago. And with good reason – he has vowed to implement their agenda with promises to defy the Supreme Court on gay marriage, consider engaging in anti-gay civil disobedience, sign sweeping anti-abortion legislation, go after Planned Parenthood, appoint ultraconservative justices to the bench and block threats to religious liberty of Christians, which he says are rampant in America.


Clinton’s victory means she will collect 23 delegates and Sanders will win 21.

“I stand here tonight breathing a big sigh of relief”, Clinton said, suggesting she’d won without explicitly declaring victory. He told supporters he had done far better than doubters had projected last summer, but did not mention the now-discredited lead he had taken in several Iowa polls in January. But Clinton’s campaign is built for a long haul. But 75 percent of his haul came from donations of $200 or less, in contrast to only 18 percent of Clinton’s, and far more of Clinton’s donors have hit the $2,700 donation limit. She is not likely to repeat that feat against Sanders in New Hampshire, although analysts noted a drop off in Sander’s popularity following a recent nationally televised Democratic town hall meeting in Iowa.

Sanders, for his part, was hoping to replicate President Barack Obama’s pathway to the presidency by using a victory in Iowa to catapult his passion and ideals of “democratic socialism” deep into the primaries. Per FiveThirtyEight, solid results might take an all-nighter: “It’s looking like this is still going to be a long night counting these votes on the Democratic side – there were a couple of counting errors that needed to be corrected, apparently”. Rubio aired ads parodying Cruz’s TRUSTED logo with ads labeling the Texan CALCULATED instead.

New Hampshire comebacks are not unusual.

The Hearst family, which owns Channel 9 WMUR, will make so much money this week from the anti-Rubio TV spots bought by Jeb Bush’s super PAC that they will be able to buy not one, but two, new San Simeons.

Just five of the more than two dozen Republicans who participated in the focus group said they had settled on a candidate after watching the Iowa caucus results come in. “This is center right country. And the heart of my campaign is based on common-sense principles”.

Bill Clinton will map out his campaign itinerary by googling the words “New Hampshire” and “gentlemen’s clubs”, after which he will announce to Hillary’s advance man, “Y’all ever been to this here “Gold Club” in Bedford?” Cruz was slated to hold an evening rally in Greenville, S.C., before returning to New Hampshire. Tim Scott, the only African-American Republican in the Senate.

His advisors cast the race as a three-person contest – an attempt box out the other contenders vying for mainstream Republicans.

That won’t be easy.

“On to New Hampshire”, the businessman said.

On the Republican side, Cruz’s win in Iowa provided a twist worthy of the topsy-turvy race.

“Because I was told I could not do well in Iowa, I spent very little there – a fraction of Cruz & Rubio. Great honor”, he later tweeted.


The fate of another erstwhile Iowa darling was unclear on Tuesday. But as the night wore on, larger and larger crowds gathered around giant-screen monitors blaring CNN results, which showed their candidate was in trouble. The Florida senator said Cruz has “criticized (Trump’s) New York values but has raised millions of dollars in New York City”. Cruz spokesman Rick Tyler pointedly asked as the campaign planes landed at a Manchester airport.

The Trump Effect in Iowa Rally Attendees Share Motivation Enthusiasm