
Cruz, Rubio trade new shots over immigration

“The candidates with less support will drop out, and republicans will consolidate behind the frontrunner Donald Trump, or behind one of the more conventional candidates like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, or maybe even OH governor John Kasich”.


There was no such love on display from Trump’s GOP rival Jeb Bush who called the real estate mogul a “chaos candidate who would be a chaos president” during the CNN debate in Las Vegas, Nevada on Tuesday night.

Republican front-runner Donald Trump has stood firm over his provocative call for banning Muslims from the United States as his party’s presidential candidates pushed their own plans for fighting Islamic State (IS) militants. There’s Ted Cruz, senator from Texas, and Marco Rubio, senator from Florida, and then there’s everyone else.

“That’s easy to say”, Rubio said Wednesday morning.

(Bush) “He’s a chaos candidate and he’d be a chaos President”.

Trump has been under fire for proposing that Muslims be blocked from entering the USA, among many other controversial comments.

“I went in there saying, ‘Boy, this is going to be a tough evening, ‘ ’cause I heard all of them were going to come at me”, Trump told his supporters. “I think Jeb is a very nice person, a very nice person, but we need toughness”.

Paul and Christie clashed over foreign policy during the debate with Paul insisting that Christie would be great for voters who “want World War III”.

When one of the panellists asked him whether he is ready to reassure Republicans that he will run as a Republican and abide by the decision of the Republicans, Trump replied: “I really am”.

Donald was with “Extra” after the debate saying he has no hard feelings.

It was only during the fifth balloting when Cruz “the Fighter” gained the evangelicals’ 75 percent vote, beating Rubio the “Communicator”, the news outlet said.

The presidential rivalry between both Cuban-American senators in their 40’s is sure to continue as the first voting contest in February draws closer. Rubio later withdrew his support, but it remains a sore spot with many in the GOP base – as Cruz is well aware.

“Lately I’ve been just trying to ignore, because he just gets me so angry”. The CNN debate was a showcase for not ready for primetime candidates in the Republican Party. Richard Burr (R-NC) said, “I’m having my staff look at the transcripts of the debate right now”.


As Rubio pushed a comprehensive immigration reform bill in 2013, Cruz introduced an amendment to the bill that would have stripped out the path to citizenship but offered legal status to undocumented immigrants.

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