
Cruz’s citizenship again questioned during Republican debate

Billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump and Texas Sen.


The use of “New York values” as a term of abuse rankled plenty of city residents.

Trump replied that Cruz wasn’t doing so because it wouldn’t work. In fact, it was the repeated terse exchanges between Trump and Cruz that put the two at the top of the heap when it came to speaking time on Thursday.

Trump and Cruz entered the debate in SC, which votes February 20, atop the polls in Iowa. But the likelihood of a major shakeup in the race becomes less and less as days pass. “But I would note that the birther theories that Donald has been relying on, some of the more extreme ones insist that you must not only be born on USA soil, but have two parents born on US soil”.

Cruz dismisses that claim and is returning the fire, accusing the brash businessman of having “New York values” and questioning his foreign policy credentials.

When asked about his hit earlier this week on Trump’s “New York values”, Cruz clarified that they are “socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage”.

Cruz also mentioned the “many, many wonderful” residents of NY, but also added that “not a lot of conservatives come out of Manhattan”.

“It’s very disturbing on many levels and hypocritical criticizing NY money”, Cuomo said on MSNBC.

“New York is a great place”.

“We saw more death, and the smell of death and it was with us for months”, Trump said.

He was born in Calgary to an American mother and a Cuban father.

And Bush did well mostly because he was the target of few attacks; his inability to defend against sharp attacks from other candidates has hurt him in the past.

“All Muslims? Seriously? What kind of signal does that send to the rest of the world?” He was alert, and mostly stuck to the themes – praise of common sense, opposition to political correctness – that are what drew people to him in the first place. The other Arab countries have a role to play in this. “You have a big lawsuit over your head”.

None did. But not for lack of trying. Cruz had previously said that he and his wife liquidated “our entire net worth” to finance his underdog Senate bid. Kasich called for unity.

Rubio accused Cruz of flip-flopping on certain key positions, namely immigration and defense spending, and listed a litany of issues about which Cruz has supposedly changed his mind. He added that once Mr. Obama ceases to be president, any country that dares the U.S would face its “full fury and force”. After disparaging Obama’s recent action to make it harder to buy weapons at gun shows, Rubio said neither criminals nor terrorists buy guns in that sort of venue.

“And some of them, I will say, not all, have called me and said, ‘Donald, thank you very much”.

Whenever the opportunity was given, which was quite frequent, the seven candidates took shots at President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

If elected, “she might be going back and forth between the White House and the court house”, he said.

Chris Christie, like Carson, gave a performance that will appeal to those predisposed to liking him.

There was little love for Clinton’s rival, Bernie Sanders. What do the Republican candidates see that he doesn’t?


Asked about the issue by a debate moderator, Cruz reminded the audience that Trump had once said Cruz’s citizenship was a non-issue.

Getty Images              Donald Trump said he’d turn his company over to his children if elected president