
Cruz says Trump is for ‘amnesty’

Cruz, running close with Trump in Iowa polls, was nearly entirely focused on the billionaire in his Ankeny event, as he professed core conservative values and drew a sharp contrast with Trump on issue after issue, without using his name.


Trump has been leading national polls of Republican voters for months. “I have the most loyal people – did you ever see that?” A day earlier, Friday, Trump released his first negative television advertisement, featuring a stammering Cruz struggling to articulate whether an amendment he had introduced in 2013 would have left open a path to legal status for the undocumented – the same charge that Rubio leveled at Cruz for much of the fall.

SIOUX CENTER, Iowa (AP) – Donald Trump is so confident about the loyalty of his supporters that he predicted Saturday they would stick with him even if he shot someone. “You want somebody whose bold?”

“I may have spoken too soon in predicting in December that the Democrats would face Cruz in November”, Brock said in an email to CNN.

Political analyst and “The Blaze” founder Glenn Beck joined Ted Cruz at a rally in Waterloo Saturday night.

He also sounded some favorite themes of Trump, telling the audience: “You and I believe in sovereign borders, you and I believe in the right to keep and bear arms”.

“If Donald Trump wins (Iowa), it’s going to be a snowball to hell”, Beck said.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is the only other Republican presidential aspirant to get past double figures with 11 per cent of the support, Fox News said.

“Cruz did not renounce his Canadian citizenship as a US Senator – only when he started to run for POTUS (President of the US)”.

But the target voter is Mark Claassen, 62, a drilling contractor here in the front row at the community center table who first goaded Cruz to attack Trump.


Donald Trump has been a hard target for criticism from his rivals because not all of his supporters are conservatives.

Donald Trump said that he could massacre people in Manhattan and not lose supporters