
Cruz Takes Big Lead Over Trump In Iowa

Cruz has been positioning himself to capture any supporters who decide to leave the Trump or Carson campaign and from the results of this poll, that move is paying dividends for the tea party senator. He’s got to be for oil, right? From that position, he told them, he hopes to gain the “lion’s share” of Trump’s supporters should he fall.


‘And ultimately the decision is, who has the right judgment – experience and judgment – to serve as commander in chief?

The Cruz campaign declined to comment on Trump’s remarks.

“I like the things that Trump has to say”.

Trump’s criticism of Cruz on ethanol echoes that of America’s Renewable Future, an advocacy group in Iowa that has been hammering Cruz for his opposition to the Renewable Fuel Standard. Cruz was quoted in The New York Times by two sources as having said, “Who am I comfortable having their finger on the button?”

Cruz sought to join forces with Trump by tweeting Friday that “The Establishment’s only hope: Trump & me in a cage match”.

Trump responded that he’d “build a wall” and even guessed that someday they would name it the Trump Wall.

“If we win Iowa, I think we run the table”, the real estate mogul said on Friday at a rally in Des Moines. At an event at the Iowa State Fairgrounds Friday night, Trump lit into Cruz for the first time, claiming the Texan is beholden to Big Oil and trying to plant seeds of doubt about whether a Cuban can be an evangelical Christian.

And while Trump admitted, “I only like polls that treat me well”, that doesn’t change the reality that most polls do show him ahead of the field, with large leads over his rivals.

But the billionaire businessman had refrained from attacked Cruz, even as the Texas senator has surged in opinion polls, becoming Trump’s most serious challenger in early-voting Iowa. Sorry to disappoint – [Trump] is terrific.

The polling firm, Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, is considered one of the best at predicting the state, which is notoriously hard to poll accurately. You know, whoever hears that?

Goidel’s assessment is supported by VOA interviews in downtown Houston with voters like Terri, who said, “I don’t like his attitude sometimes, but I think he would be a good president for the country”.

Rick Tyler, a Cruz spokesman, told NBC News just last week that Cruz “is for eliminating all energy-specific subsidies”, not just the RFS but oil and other sources as well.


“Yes it is”, Trump replied.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz