
Cruz Takes Center Stage At Last GOP Debate Pre-Iowa Caucuses

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, was “the worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States”, even though Trump said back in 2012 that she was a “terrific woman” who “really works hard” and “does a good job”.


Trump’s differing takes on Fox anchor and debate moderator Megyn Kelly gets one of the most impressive reactions from the crowd.

Early numbers suggest that between 11 million and 13 million viewers watched the Fox News debate, which is about half of the audience Trump drew to the first Fox News debate in August, when the event drew a record-breaking 23 million viewers.

Far more people performed Google searches for Trump during the debate than for any other candidate, according to data from the search engine, which co-sponsored the event, reported Reuters. While they debated in Des Moines, Iowa, Trump held an event for Veterans a few miles down the road at Drake University. And I wanted to do it, but frankly, I actually asked them, I said give five million dollars to the vets, and I’ll consider it.

“I don’t know, jokingly”, Trump responded.

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz speak during a commercial break in the Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate in North Charleston, SC, Jan. 14.

“Ted Cruz may not be a United States citizen, right?”

That seems to be what happened Thursday night.

While Trump refused to attend the Fox News debate allegedly because of host Megyn Kelly, the network released a statement saying it would not pander to the demands of a politician and would maintain its journalistic integrity despite “terrorization”.

Senator Cruz also challenged Trump to a one-on-one debate before Monday. “I’m a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly, and Ben, you’re a bad surgeon”, he told his rivals, including Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon.

He even chided two lesser-known presidential candidates, former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley and former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore.


It has been discussed ad nauseam whether Trump’s boycott of the last debate before the Iowa caucus, an unprecedented political move, was a strategically wise one.

Ted Cruz to Donald Trump You're fired