
Cruz to Obama: Debate me, insult me to my face

Ted Cruz of Texas had to say about Obama on Wednesday following the president’s remarks criticizing efforts in Congress to keep Syrian Muslims from emigrating to the United States.


“Let’s have a debate on Syrian refugees right now”, he added. Obama called the idea of vetting Syrian refugees by religion “shameful”. “But’s let’s have a debate, we’ll do it on any station, I’m sure any one of the TV stations would be glad to host it and let’s have a debate on your refugee policy”.

Senator Ted Cruz loses his cool yet proudly talks about President Obama’s indirect attack on his Syrian refugees policy. Mr. Cruz’s father fled Cuba and eventually ended up in the United States after living in Canada.

So with all of this in mind, when asked today about President Obama’s ridicule, Cruz literally looked directly into the camera and threw down a gauntlet that might be chilling were it not coming from the mouth of a flaccid little dunce like Ted Cruz.

Cruz, for his part, took a more direct shot at Obama Wednesday, daring the President to “come back and insult me to my face”.

“I think that’s really quite rich that he chose to make both of those insults on foreign soil while he was overseas, attacking me and attacking everybody in this country who believes we should not be bringing in tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees”. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Never mind that Cruz’s plan to segregate and exclude Syrian Muslims hands the terrorists behind the Paris attacks exactly what they want and is wholly un-American at face value, it’s also entirely unfeasible. “I would prefer it in the United States and not overseas, where you’re making the insults”, he said. King said Cruz’s immigration plan is “excellent” and “practical” because it secures the border, reinforces the rule of law and doesn’t grant amnesty. “On the other hand, Christians who are being targeted for genocide, for persecution, Christians who are being beheaded or crucified, we should be providing safe haven to them. It’s easy to toss a cheap insult when no one can respond”.


“Any refugee should be vetted and numerous refugees would rather stay in the Middle East and if they want to stay in the Middle East we should certainly help them do so, but there’s a qualitative difference and it all comes down to President Obama’s refusal to even utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism, ‘ ” Cruz said.
