
Cruz trumps Trump in Iowa caucus

This result also shows a surge in support for Rubio since his strong finish in Iowa.


Trump doesn’t like to share the spotlight and the Cruz flap has helped him figure out a way to get back on the front page.

Cruz bested Trump with 28 percent of caucus-goers’ pledges on Monday compared to Trump’s 24 percent. But for now, he’s the candidate whose showing was probably the biggest surprise of the Iowa caucuses.

Trump went on to criticize Cruz for misleading voters into believing another rival, Dr. Ben Carson, had dropped out of the race when he hadn’t.

Trump finished second to Ted Cruz, despite polls that showed the real estate mogul ahead.

“I think she has the experience and the track record of actually getting things done”.

The Cruz campaign apologised to Carson’s camp, saying it was a misunderstanding. He is now being billed as a establishment candidate for the Republican.

Rubio improved by 7 points, going from 11 percent before Iowa to 18 percent now, putting him in second place. “And Rick, I think, has a message for them that is phenomenal”, he said.

“We need a commander in chief, not a twitterer in chief”, said the Iowa victor.

“Bernie has announced that for the remainder of the campaign in New Hampshire he will hold more than a dozen rallies and meetings to meet with voters all across the state”, his campaign said.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who placed third among the Republicans in Iowa, said he will try to persuade some of Rand Paul’s supporters to redirect their support to him, despite the stark differences the two have on foreign policy.

“Ted Cruz gave us Obamacare”, said Mr Trump of the health insurance scheme so despised by Republicans, which in fact prompted Mr Cruz and other conservatives to shut down the government in 2013.

“Shameless tactics & dirty political plays defined yesterdays #iacaucus”, he said, using a popular hashtag to refer to the voting.

On the Democratic side, Sanders – from neighboring Vermont – led Clinton, 58-36, in this latest poll.


That hasn’t seemed to satisfy Trump, though, who called Cruz’s campaign antics fraud.

Dennis Van Tine  ZUMA