
Cultural Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly Dies at 92

Schlafly was a vocal opponent of the women’s liberation movement that took hold in the United States in the 1970s, and was a key player in the defeat of the dearly-held feminist dream of an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), reported The Huffington Post.


Phyllis Schlafly, a leading figure in the USA conservative movement, has died at her home in Missouri, aged 92.

For more than half a century – from her advocacy on behalf of Barry Goldwater in 1964 to her endorsement of the candidacy of Donald Trump in 2016 – Schlafly was on the cutting edge of conservative politics in America.

Her death was confirmed by the Eagle Forum, the conservative group she founded. “Many of us owe our political awakening to Phyllis Schlafly”, Palin wrote on her Facebook page. Her strong opposition to communism, abortion, feminism and an overall focus on the nuclear family, made her a darling of the emerging conservative movement. Feminist Betty Friedan was so mad at this defeat that she warned Schlafly, “I’d like to burn you at the stake”.

“Schlafly’s contributions to the conservative movement are in part responsible to its rise in USA politics and evangelicalism over the past few decades, and she was remembered by conservatives online”. “I have little doubt that the political and cultural landscape of America today would have long ago been devoid of true conservatism if not for her leadership. She fought every day right to the end for America First”. Though she received a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and a law degree, published over twenty books and had a vibrant career as a speaker and activist, Schlafly rejected the idea that most women should be anything more than homemakers. She is survived by six children, 16 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Huckabee recalled being given a copy of Schlafly’s book “A Choice, Not an Echo” when he was 15 years old. She has always advocated traditional gender roles and opposed equal rights.

The Eagle Forum announced her death in a statement Monday.

Schlafly was born August 15, 1924, and grew up in Depression-era St. Louis. As of this week, Schlafly was still president. In 1978 she graduated from Washington University’s law school.

In 1992, her son, John Schlafly, was outed as gay just after his mother debated a gay Republican at the 1992 GOP convention.

In a statement Monday night Reagan biographer Craig Shirley called Schlafly the “First Lady” of the American conservative movement. Phyllis Schlafly spent an astounding 70 years in public service of her fellow Americans.


More to follow in coming days but allow me this: I had the unique privilege over the past three years to work with Phyllis day in and day out.

Phyllis Schlafly