
Cuomo Announces NYC Monument for Victims of Orlando Massacre

On June 12, U.S. national Omar Mateen, 29, opened fire in the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, killing 49 people and injuring more than 50 others.


Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and Chappaqua resident Hillary Clinton was applauded as she walked alongside New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Reverend Al Sharpton.

Cuomo made the announcement right before the Pride march on Sunday and said he had signed an executive order to create a 10-member panel to find a place and build the memorial.

Cuomo said: “When we heard about Orlando, it touched each and every one of us because it went to the core of who we are and what we believe”.

“Stonewall was not without pain”, Cuomo said. Cuomo says the Empire State has sparked national movements leading to marriage equality.

The state of NY is pledging $1 million for the monument, which Cuomo said could possibly reside in Battery Park City – overlooking the State of Liberty- or Chelsea Piers on the western side of Greenwich Village.

“We want the lesson learned so it never happens again”.

Governor Cuomo has also declared the birthplace of the modern LGBT rights movement, The Stonewall Inn a New York State historic site.

Pride month for NY is wrapping.


“We invite everyone to come to the great state of NY where we celebrate diversity”, Cuomo said.

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    Daylina Miller  WUSF