
Customer responds with love after waitress’ racist Snapchat post

Mayes was with a group of five who grabbed lunch at the Murfreesboro restaurant after church on Sunday.


A racist Snapchat from their server, posted Sunday while they were at Cheddar’s, had gone viral. “We had a good time”, Mayes said, and noted in her Facebook response that the waitress was actually “friends” with one of the other black women she was sitting with.

The Snapchat post eventually was shared so often on the internet that Chelsea saw it and recognized the waitress.

A Tennessee waitress was sacked after sharing a racist Snapchat message claiming she was hung over and had to serve a section full of ‘n******’, after sharing the hate-filled rant with a friend of the victim.

Chelsea Anne, a member of the church group who says she is lucky to be “one of those n*****s” the waitress was referring to, notes that all of the people at her table tipped very generously as they felt the waitress had done a great job and was very personable with the group.

“I have experienced a lot of grace and mercy in my life, so I can only extend that to her”, Mayes said. But when Mayes arrived home she was met with a text message that tarnished the feel-good mood she was in. “Laughed with us. We had a good time”.

After finishing the meal and leaving the server a generous tip, Mayes learned about the hateful message, which “made her second-guess everything”.

‘But now I just feel sorry for her’. Mayes asked. “What if she did something to our food?” “You think that you made a connection with somebody, and to go and see what she really thinks of us was really hurtful”.

As soon as Cheddar’s management learned about the server’s post, she was sacked.

What Mayes did afterward was remarkable.

In a Facebook post titled “Racism Still Lives”, Mayes wrote of her experience and said that she felt no harm towards the server.

She wrote: ‘Yesterday this photo of a Murfreesboro Cheddars employee started circulating on social media.

“This “n–r” actually enjoyed your company”.

This “nigger” is praying for you. “This ‘n–‘ loves you and there’s nothing you can do about it!”

“It kind of just confused me”, Mayes told The Washington Post.

One of the victim’s, Chelsea Anne responded to the hate crime by showing remarkable Christian charity. The response can be viewed below.

“We, ourselves, were shocked and offended after learning one of our servers had posted comments on social media that were hurtful and derogatory”, Lee Greer, owner of Cheddar’s Murfreesboro, told WSMV.

“My response to her was that a year ago there were nine people shot down in SC by a sweet little cute blonde”, said Mayes.

“She was very sweet, very nice and very hands on”, Donitra Kent said. This type of behavior will never be tolerated in our restaurants.

“The server was immediately suspended and ultimately terminated after our internal investigation”, he said a prepared statement.


Along with writing: ‘I am personally extremely proud of myself.

Racist remarks posted by a Cheddar's waitress on Snapchat after serving Chelsea Mayes and her friends at the Cheddar's restaurant in in Murfreesboro Tenn