
D.A.R.E. Accidentally Publishes Letter Endorsing Legalization of Marijuana

Ron Brogan, D.A.R.E. regional director, confirmed to HuffPost on Friday that “a service we use put this post up in error” and “we have not changed our stance that we are opposed to marijuana legalization”.


Yes, however exclusively for a second, and accidentally.

McDerment continued pointing to the obvious, “I support legalization precisely because I want to reduce youths’ drug use”.

For the past three days, there has been an editorial from former deputy sheriff Carlis McDerment on the official website of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) organization advocating for the legalization of marijuana. McDerment suggested, “Anyone who proposes we outlaw everything risky to children would also have to ban stairs, Tylenol, bleach, forks and outlet socks … and definitely alcohol”.

“The objective of prohibiting…”

Embarrassed by their accidental pro-marijuana post, D.A.R.E. removed the controversial piece after reading that had made hay of the group’s unintended U-turn in their guiding philosophy. Not to mention the fact that drug dealers typically don’t care about a customer’s age. The answer isn’t prohibition and incarceration; the answer is regulation and education.


“For every one joint of marijuana, four teenagers become burdened with pregnancy”, the D.A.R.E. author wrote. New York magazine has a screenshot of the op-ed as it appeared on the D.A.R.E. website this week. The anti-substance abuse group also had to remove this piece from its site. Global News asked and didn’t get a response. Does it really pose a risk to children, or could it actually make it harder to access for them?

D.A.R.E. publishes pro-marijuana think piece, quickly deletes it