
Da’Vonne Doomed to Week 6 Eviction – HoH Comp Plans – Boozie

This article contains Big Brother 18 spoilers.


The target on Paulie should be growing. And what happens if Da’Vonne has the Round Trip ticket? Zakiyah found herself growing closer to Da’Vonne and Paulie. Paulie saw this as an opportunity to all join forces with Nicole and Corey to become the final five. Do you want to see Da’Vonne evicted? Eventually, he would become more important to Zakiyah than her, and ruin her unspoken final two deal. While the plan may now be to send Bridgette out of the house right behind Frank, Nicole and Da’Vonne’s names have both been thrown out as possible backdoor options – making this week’s veto competition even more interesting! However, she did not realize that Paulie had also already won James’loyalty. The conversation ended with Nicole promising Da’Vonne that she had her vote, even though she doesn’t, in reality.

Gotta give Paulie credit, he certainly knows how to belittle Zakiyah while making it seem like he’s the level-headed one and she’s being “emotional”.

This anxious James because he is also in a showmance with Natalie. “I feel like I can’t breathe”, Paulie told Paul. Well, Da’Vonne, Michelle and Zakiyah are starting to get wise to the iron grip Paulie has on the house, courtesy of his minions (Nicole, Corey, Paul and Victor). Paul wanted to keep Da’Vonne and Zakiyah as allies due to their Big Sister teammate history. But Paulie decides these are “lies” on Zakiyah’s part and he spends the better part of 40 minutes berating her about it. Tonight is an important competition for the HOH as the Big Brother jury will soon be put together.

At the veto, Paulie emerged victorious.

A couple players have some sort of allegiance towards Da’Vonne.

Previously on Big Brother, Frank’s time in the Big Brother house finally came to an end as the houseguest voted to unanimously evict him from the game. James, however, has been on board with voting out Da’Vonne but would try to flip the votes if he thought it possible. Along side Paul, Paulie and Bridgette playing in the POV competition were Corey, Natalie and Victor. This means the votes ended in a tie. A twist in this game was that they had multiple buzzers the houseguests could hit but after each round the button they selected would be out of play, so this required strategy as well.


Paulie and Paul made a pact that the former will win the Power of Veto (POV) game, and the latter will put Da’Vonne up as his replacement nominee. Many fans have theorized that Da’Vonne holds the winning Round Trip Ticket.

Big Brother 2016 Spoilers- Week 6 Eviction Predictions