
Dallas Morning News Endorses Hillary Clinton

On Wednesday morning, the newspaper’s editorial board published its endorsement of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The endorsement comes just one day after the editorial board slammed Donald Trump, telling readers the Republican nominee was not a true conservative.


MSNBC had a meltdown on Tuesday when CNN released its latest presidential poll, showing Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton by 2 percentage points in a four-way race.

“We don’t come to this decision easily”, the editorial board wrote, noting that it’s been critical of Hillary Clinton’s “handling of certain issues in the past”.

They argued that Trump “inexplicably” won the primary despite being “the one who thumbed his nose at conservative orthodoxy altogether. Media should have a license to talk about it. @MSNBC “unskewing” polls now is journalism gone awry”, wrote Matthew Dowd, the chief strategist for the Bush-Cheney ’04 presidential campaign and current ABC News political analyst on Twitter.

In July, the Houston Chronicle – another important Texas newspaper that has frequently endorsed conservative candidates – caused a stir after endorsing Clinton over Trump because the NY businessman posed “a danger to the Republican Party”.

“His ideas are so far from Republicanism that they have spawned a new description: Trumpism”, the editors wrote.

Though they recommended her for president, the Morning News urged Clinton to take “additional steps to divorce allegations of influence peddling from the Clinton Foundation”, which has faced increased scrutiny amid allegations of ethical impropriety during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, and called on the candidate to hold more press conferences. “This newspaper has not recommended a Democrat for this nation’s highest office since before World War II – if you’re counting, that’s more than 75 years and almost 20 elections”.

The Dallas newspaper reminded Clinton that it’s got beefs with the Democratic Party’s “over-reliance on government and regulation to remedy the country’s ills”.


For the first time since 1940, when President Franklin Roosevelt was running for his third term, The Dallas Morning News is endorsing a Democrat for president.

Trump speaks during a campaign rally on Tuesday in North Carolina