
Dame Helen Mirren ‘curses’ on tv – social media erupts

In a new interview with Good Morning Britain, the actress jokingly reprimanded her interviewers for dwelling on her recently turning 70-years-old – and quipped she doesn’t understand everyone’s fascination with women growing older in the spotlight!


“Why can’t you say that?” asked Mirren, who was told by one of the hosts that “we’ll get fired”. “It’s not that rude”.

Dame Helen then asked the presenters ‘why can’t you say that?’, but Miss Garraway responded by saying: ‘Can we have that debate another time or we’ll get fired?’. “You may be the Queen but you can’t save us”, Garraway said.

Dame Helen Mirren turned 70 a few days ago and she can’t understand why everyone is so interested in it. Or, more to the point, so keen to tell her how much she doesn’t look it. But I went camping with an ex-boyfriend of mine, Liam Neeson.

“I lived with him for four years, and we went camping in Cornwall – he loved camping as well”.

Joking about the amount of awards she has in her house, the Queen star joked: “I have an extension to my house actually and when you walk in, you know, they are all on revolves and in lights and you can put headphones on and hear all of my acceptance speeches in all the different languages that I’ve given them in!” He loved camping as well and we had his little deux chevaux vehicle, Liam six foot four in this deux chevaux auto, his head was sticking out the top of the auto really and we had our tent in the back and all our stuff and our little stove. ‘Oh my god, she’s 70! “It doesn’t get any better than that”.

The actress said it had “p–ed it down non-stop” on the holiday, and was baffled when the comment drew a panicked reaction from Good Morning Britain presenters Ben Shephard and Kate Garraway.

Dame Helen Mirren is bored by people’s fascination with her looks.


‘The older I get, the more I realise there are no rules really, ultimately, we all have ways of living life and we impose rules upon ourselves all the time.’.

Dame Helen Mirren's expression says it all