
Dark Souls III Director Says Bloodborne DLC Is Still Coming

Miyazaki via Gamespot has issued a statement addressing fans that they should not worry at all about the quality of Dark Souls III and Bloodborne as he has worked on multiple projects simultaneously in the past as well.


Miyazaki continued stating his interest in starting new projects. While Sony did not show anything from the upcoming Bloodborne add-on, everyone took some time to ask him about it anyway. The web site goes on to suggest that the gameplay in “Dark Souls 3” now more closely resembles the one in “Bloodborne”, which means that players will now be tasked with exercising more patience and being more thoughtful with each move they make in combat.

From Software is now working on Dark Souls 3 and plans to launch it during the first few months of next year on the PlayStation 4, the PC and the Xbox One, introducing a range of new ideas to the series.

“When I was doing Demon’s Souls, I was also working on Armoured Core: For Answer”.

From Software will expand its scope, something that Miyazaki says that people have expressed interest in seeing. So while Miyazaki works on the game’s core design, the rest will be handled by other directors.

“I do want to work on something new.”

“I can guarantee that the game quality will reach that”.


Behind the pixels, Miyazaki is confident that he and his diligent team are capable of handling both the maiden expansions for Bloodborne and Dark Souls III simultaneously.

Dark Souls Creator Has Plans for'Several New Projects