
David Duke Says Trump’s Star Was Definitely Star Of David

On Saturday, Trump tweeted a photo of Clinton in front of a background of money with “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” printed inside a six-pointed star.


As Brzezinski read those tweets aloud, the morning’s panelists could be heard unsuccessfully trying to contain their laughter – or as the closed captioning on the MSNBC feed put it, “UNKNOWN LAUGHTER UNKNOWN LAUGHTER UNKNOWN LAUGHTER”. An entertainment writer at the New York Observer posted an open letter to Mr Kushner online, urging him to rebuke the tweet.

Yet as the general election contest began this spring, Trump said he would rely on the same kinds of donors he had previously called puppeteers. “But when I really looked, it looked like a sheriff’s star”.

In its self-congratulatory news release on the totals, the Trump campaign claimed they “show the enthusiastic movement the campaign has created”.

Schrimpf and Weaver say Kasich has not ruled out backing Trump but that the presumptive Republican nominee does not align with Kasich on a host of policy issues, as well as his use of divisive language.

“I proudly celebrate holidays w/ my wife’s awesome Jewish family for the past 16 years”. Trump’s campaign has not aired any in that time span, the paper said. “It was lifted from an anti-Hillary Twitter user where countless images appear”. Particularly since the departure of former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, the campaign has stepped up its fundraising efforts, with Trump more personally involved in the solicitations and the digital effort unleashed to rake in money from Trump supporters.

Ari Fleischer, who served as George W. Bush’s White House press secretary and sits on the Republican Jewish Coalition’s board of directors, was blunter. “Anybody who has been around politics would have instantly recognized the blunder he was making”. No one seems to know exactly who the Republican leader was referring to.

Later Wednesday afternoon, Trump appealed to his Twitter followers for donations, tweeting, “To all of my twitter followers, please contribute whatever you can to the campaign”. “Because maybe Donald Trump isn’t anti-Semitic”.


With this in mind, I don’t doubt that Ryan would like to see Team Trump “fix” what’s broken and “clean this thing up”, but the broader question for the House Speaker is what he’s prepared to do if Trump and his campaign fail to heed Ryan’s advice. Candidates should know that.

Donald Trump