
David Jolly Joins Race for Florida Senate Seat

“I’ve been blessed with the chance to characterize the individuals of Pinellas County within the U.S. House, taking their voice to Washington, D.C., and delivering outcomes for our neighbors and group”, Jolly stated.


As part of that ruling, the court pointedly ordered changes in Jolly’s District 13 and neighboring Congressional District 14, which is represented by Tampa Democrat Kathy Castor. “It is with this honest belief and focus on the future of Pinellas County and the entire State of Florida that I proudly announce my candidacy for the United States Senate”.

Jolly will face Florida Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera of Miami and Congressman Ron DeSantis of Jacksonville in the primary.

Jolly’s announcement came 11 days after the Florida Supreme Court invalidated his congressional district and seven others drawn by Republican legislators as contravening a state constitutional ban on political gerrymandering.

Jolly will be launching his campaign at the Republican Club of Greater Largos meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, July 20, at Alfanos Restaurant, 1702 Clearwater Largo Road in Clearwater.

Early polls, however, point to a wide-open race, with voters knowing relatively little about the candidates. He defeated former CFO Alex Sink and Libertarian Lucas Overby in a special election in 2014.

Charlie Crist may have another run in him next year.

“I do believe in personal freedom, ” Jolly said Monday when asked about his stance on same-sex marriage.

Facing the prospect of running in a redrawn congressional district, U.S. Rep. David Jolly joined a growing field of Republican candidates Monday for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Marco Rubio.

“We will not tolerate failed foreign policies and wavering alliances that leave America vulnerable to a unsafe treaty with Iran, weakness before our enemies and a failed policy to combat ISIS, ” Jolly said.


The court stopped just short of specifically and clearly ordering the Legislature to redraw the 13th District to include the southeastern corner of the Pinellas County peninsula.

David Jolly announces candidacy for US Senate