
Dawn of Justice Box Numbers Are In

While a solo Batman film isn’t yet official, it certainly seems even more likely now, in light of Affleck’s most recent statements during an interview on DC All Access.


So big, there’s no way to follow all the action in one sitting.

“I’m a comic book guy and I made the movie as much as I can on that aesthetic”, he was quoted as saying. This is hard to do. I didn’t know what was happening. Such movies have more evenly distributed followings across four quadrants comprising older, younger, male and female audiences.

The Wall Street Journal asked Snyder about how he felt when fans remarked about the destruction in Man of Steel and he was baffled over that critique. The problem is that Batman has become a more popular character in mainstream culture so a writer must be careful when taking liberties with a character that so many people love. “I’m not sure I would be able to convince my team”. But what we do see shows she’s ready to lasso a new superhero franchise. There are only so many slow-motion fight scenes I can handle before it gets tiring.

I thought the new Batman suit looked cool and I liked the actor (Ben Affleck) but I didn’t like all his nightmares. The whole “are you on Team Batman or Team Superman?” debate all boils down to this for Henry Cavill. It has nothing to do with previous on-screen versions of The Dark Knight. Pizza was a big thing for me.


I hope you all had a good spring break. “She always says, ‘Yeah, they fall asleep and the prince saves them.’ I’m so happy about the fact that we are bringing Wonder Woman back to life”. The site reported that Affleck and Johns were “in sync” with each other and have “found” their rhythm while writing the script. It was said that they would hand in this script before the end of the summer. I have to do it again but I’m going try to do it an easier way.

Dawn of Justice Box Numbers Are In