
Day 3: Democratic National Convention

Despite reports indicating the middle class has been drastically shrinking, Biden claimed the demographic has grown during the course of the Obama administration. “And I think they recognize that being president is a serious job”. He called himself “middle-class Joe”.


Obama gets to go out doing what he loves: campaigning.

As mentioned earlier Melania Trump’s RNC speech last week was revealed to plagiarize Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech, which was all the more shocking because Melania said she wrote it herself with little help. “Give me a break!”

“And we holler at each other”, said Biden. And just a year ago his son Beau died of brain cancer. He delivered a tribute to working-class Americans who don’t have the kind of support system he does to deal with hard times.

And, he concluded, “Hillary Clinton will lead the next chapter”.

And then he turned to Trump and painted the picture of a populist fraud.

Though both Trump Jr. and Obama used the same passage in their speeches, NBC News points out that Obama has used the passages in speeches before, dating back to 2010.

“You know, I look at you, I say, I know you’re going to vote for Hillary”, Biden said.

Just listen to me for a second before booing and cheering”, he instructed the crowd before laying into the Republican nominee. “We’re challenged to do better; to be better”.

Biden asked those at the convention to think about that phrase.

“His cynicism is unbounded …” A speechwriter on his or her first day could come up with that. Pedestrians and motorists rushing to get to work Wednesday morning were met with Secret Service agents and blocked roads as Biden’s motorcade traveled through. “But I know what she is passionate about”, Biden said. “It means you are not sophisticated”.

The comment was made after U.S. officials revealed that that there is strong evidence that the Democratic National Committee data breach was carried out by hackers working on behalf of Russian intelligence. “I know Hillary. Hillary understands”. “The America I know is decent and generous”. It’s because we’ve always had a growing middle class.

“Trump and his allies made changes to the Republican platform to make it more pro-Russian”. These are Biden’s people, too. Actually he has no clue.

“We can not elect a man who belittles our closest allies while embracing dictators like Vladimir Putin” he said.


As he made the case that Democrat Hillary Clinton is more qualified to serve in the White House, Obama drew a stark contrast with Trump’s dark vision of the country.

Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the third day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Wednesday