
Day 3 of the Democratic National Convention: The Road Not Taken

That is, he said, if the country elects Hillary Clinton for president.


The former first lady, NY senator and secretary of state has been the frequent target of Republicans during her more than three decades in national politics, from the Whitewater investigation to the inquiry into the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, attacks and her use of a private email server for government business at the State Department.

As Jerman prepared to leave the Wells Fargo Center Wednesday night, he reflected on the unexpected moment Clinton and Obama shared with thousands of delegates.

“What Ted did is step back and include people, and whoever wants to lead us progressives now – whether it be Warren or Sanders – needs to include people”, said Leahy, a Democrat.

Clinton appeared unannounced on the platform soon after to soak up the roar of cheering Democrats.

Former President Bill Clinton, speaking Tuesday on his wife’s behalf, told of campaigning this year in West Virginia – a now heavily Republican state that Clinton won twice in the 1990s – in front of coal miners who blame job losses on Democrats’ policies.

Democrats are celebrating diversity in Philadelphia this week. It climaxed a parade of speeches over the past 72 hours – from men and women, gay and straight, white, black and Hispanic, young and old – hoping to cast the Republicans as out-of-touch social conservatives led by an unhinged and unscrupulous tycoon. We’d always meant to go to NY after I left office and commute to Arkansas, but this had never occurred to either one of us.

Even the criticisms of Republican nominee Donald Trump – while plentiful – have been more muted than the “lock her up” rhetoric so plentiful at the Republican convention. It’s little wonder, then, that Trump promises to restore America to what it once was-some better past when it was strong, proud, safe, and great. Hmm, I wonder. Donald Trump!

Trump did his best to steal the spotlight Wednesday. It’s determined to shape the Democratic Party of the future, believing that the only way to respond to the class war being waged by an aggressive billionaire class is with backbone – a body part that’s been noticeably missing from Democrats in recent decades.

He reiterated that plan at a news conference Wednesday in Doral, Florida.

Trump rejected the optimism voiced at the Democratic convention, saying Democrats were talking about “a world that doesn’t exist” and papering over Clinton’s problems and mistakes. If Trump’s elected president, he said, ‘how much in debt would we be to other countries?

In the biggest speech of her more than 25-year career in public service, Clinton will sound the themes that will propel her campaign against Republican Donald Trump in the November 8 election. Kaine stressed his working-class roots (his father had a metalworking business) and flashed a style of enthusiasm and outreach reminiscent of Biden’s own.

Other presidential candidates, including Republican Texas Sen. “These elections were about issues the American people care about”, such as “families struggling to put food on the table”, said Sosa, who is Latino outreach organizer for Citizen Action Wisconsin and an economics professor at Milwaukee Area Technical College.

Vice President Joe Biden is confident that the United States is on the right path, but the “threats are too great” and the “times are too uncertain” for Donald Trump to ever come close to the Oval Office. It was a Biden special, rich with his regular-guy folksiness, misty-eyed storytelling and hard hits.

Mr. Obama, who is facing a divided party and fresh domestic and global crises, will try to calm Americans’ concerns as well, even as Republican Donald Trump is picking up momentum in recent polls.

“I think the crossroads is whether you fix it by dividing people further or you fix it by bringing people together”, she adds.

The biggest star in the Democratic party will urge its members to chart a course toward Hillary Clinton, in a speech where he will act as a top-level character witness, having gone from her rival, to colleague, to staunch supporter.

The president began discussing the address last month with senior aides, including chief speechwriter Cody Keenan, who has worked at the White House for both of Obama’s terms.

“If she can do that, she will be in good position for the fall campaign”, West said.

She also will continue to woo moderate Republicans who may be unnerved by Trump, but unconvinced by Clinton.


Ret. Marine General John R. Allen, a former commander in Afghanistan, will underscore the same point.

Obama: 'There has never been a man or a woman more qualified' than Clinton