
Day One at the Democratic National Convention

He ended his speech with a dynamic reassurance of his endorsement: “Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president and I am proud to stand with her tonight!”


The Massachusetts senator is a favorite among liberals, and she’s speaking at the Democrat National Convention on Monday night as the party tries to unite around Hillary Clinton after a divisive primary.

Schultz’ presence at the convention podium on Monday would have been an insult to Sanders and his supporters, who had complained for months that the DNC was just an arm of the Clinton campaign.

US First Lady Michelle Obama also told the convention that Mrs Clinton was the one candidate ready to be president, as she poured scorn on Mr Trump’s behaviour and temperament.

From The Daily Beast: The demonstrators, many of them sporting “Bernie 2016” shirts and other Sanders campaign swag, varied their chants as they marched.

She said: “I intend to be fair”.

However, many Clinton supporters believe that those supporting Sanders will ultimately get behind the party’s presumptive nominee.

It was a final chance for Sanders to give his classic stump speech on the one percent, free college and universal healthcare – with the confession that he was disappointed to have not clinched the nomination.

Protesters’ anger was stoked by a recent email leak exposing Democratic National Committee leaders favoritism toward Hillary Clinton, leading the Committee’s chair to step down, only to be appointed honorary chair of Clinton’s campaign team.

Bernie Sanders says the country has made much progress under President Barack Obama but there’s more work to be done.

Turning to his delegates, Sanders said: “I look forward to your roll call votes tomorrow.” . “Together my friends, we have begun a political revolution to transform America, and that revolution continues”.

The line was met with sustained applause, as well as some chants, as Sanders continued to present the election as a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

“This election is about which candidate understands the real problems facing this country and has offered real solutions – not just bombast, fear-mongering, name-calling and divisiveness”, Politico quoted Sanders as saying.


Jefferson county Democratic party chairman, Cade Bernsen is looking foward to this week’s Democratic National convention in Philadelphia. “I’m a Bernie or Bust girl”, she told Fusion.

Bernie Sanders supporters march through downtown on the first day of the Democratic National Convention