
Daybreak Games Titles Suffered DDoS Attack, Now Appear to Be Coming Back

Following news that Julius “Zeekill” Kivimaki will face a two year suspension, Daybreak Games has been attacked by Lizard Squad, with H1Z1 and Planetside 2 both knocked offline for several hours.


Smedley also has some history with Lizard Squad – in August of 2014, members of the group called a bomb threat into a plane the CEO was on, leading American Airlines to divert the flight for security reasons.

A statement from the court stated that the judge has taken into account the young age of the defendant at the time he had carried out these crimes and his capacity at that time to understand the consequences of his crimes.

Develop has the full story.

Reports reveal that a Finnish 17-year-old previously linked to the Lizard Squad hacker group has been convicted of over 50,000 “aggravated computer break-ins.” As part of the sentence, he was ordered to turn over about $7,300 in property acquired through illegal means and speak out against cybercrime and is having his online activities monitored. You shouldn’t be able to do crap like this without any hint of a outcome. I’ve been working with law enforcement to put him and others into jail where they belong.

“Whilst I’m sure the courts considered all the circumstances surrounding the conviction and the sentence that was warranted, there is a question as to whether such sentences will act as a deterrent to other hackers”, said the consultant, Alan Woodward. He used stolen credit card info to make online purchases and shared the info with others, and he was also charged with laundering Bitcoin, which he purportedly used to fund a journey to Mexico…the list goes on. “But I’m patient and I’m going to be relentless about this”. The trouble persisted across all Daybreak games, websites, and forums until this morning, when it appeared to subside. In its most recent tweet, posted around noon ET, Daybreak wrote, “This is an unplanned outage”.

We hope you succeed, Mr. Smedley.


“We have a network issue impacting all our games”.

'I'm COMING for you, DIRTBAG!': Ex-Sony chief Smedley to Kid Lizard hacker