
Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend

Daylight saving time ends at 2:00 early Sunday morning.


If any smoke alarms (battery operated or hardwired) are over 10 years old, or if the unit is so old its age can not accurately be determined – replace them right away! The Firemen’s Association of the State of New York urges all New Yorkers to make sure their homes are protected. “This begins by testing smoke alarms at least once a month and changing batteries once a year”.

Seven people die every day in a house fire in the US.

Carbon monoxide alarms are also crucial for those with fireplaces or those who have gas appliances, including hot water heaters, kitchen appliances and heaters. Victims in homes with working smoke alarms were more likely to have been in the area of origin. Many newer smoke alarms feature longer lasting, sealed-in 10-year batteries. If you or someone you know needs assistance, contact the Fire Prevention Division at 250-475-5500.

“Statistics would say that a few of the worst fatalities and injuries have occurred when there have been missing smoke detectors or inoperable smoke detectors”.

Three out of five deaths in residence fires take place on properties that either do not have smoke alarms or do not have working smoke alarms. “An average of once every 7 minutes somebody is having a home fire somewhere in the country”. When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast.

There are two kinds of alarms. These sensors detect slow, smoldering fires. If someone doesn’t have smoke alarms, install them.

Chirping indicates an alarm battery is low. Even if an alarm is hardwired into the home’s electrical system, a battery is usually included as a “back-up” in case of power failure.

Other types of alarms are also being sold with either a 10-year battery or a standard-life battery.

RED CROSS APPS People can learn how to help prevent a home fire and what to do if one occurs by downloading the Red Cross Emergency App. They can use the app’s Family Safe feature to help stay in touch with loved ones.


Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, including the basement, and both inside and outside of sleeping areas.

Daylight Saving Time ‘Fall back’ continues despite questions about benefits