
DC Fans Want to Shut Down Rotten Tomatoes

Definitely not. Suicide Squad is now on track for a $140 million opening weekend and the hype around the movie is enough to draw big crowds.


“You might do bad things for good reasons, or maybe even for fun”.

Riding the trend is David Ayer’s day-glo superhero circus Suicide Squad, a gleefully nihilistic, abysmally messy romp that delights in upending the genre’s conventions and tries desperately to, like, totally blow your mind with its outre freak show.

It bears noting Leto did about as well as he could playing the Joker, considering he was following up Heath Ledger’s iconic, Oscar-winning portrayal of the same character less than a decade ago.

But when they realise they could have been chosen to fail, it’s every man for himself.

Smith says “Deadshot is the leader, the emotional heart of the Squad – but all of them suffer from low self-esteem, otherwise they wouldn’t have created these lives for themselves”. They’re are the worst of the worst.

Speaking to the New York Times, Margot explained that her character wore “hot trousers because they’re sparkly and fun” not because “she wanted guys to look at her ass”. But many critics have already seen the film, and the initial response is well… well it’s better than Batman v Superman I think, but not by much.

If you are unfamiliar with how Rotten Tomatoes works, it gathers reviews from other sites and marks them as “rotten” (negative) or “fresh” (positive), and then gives the movie a percentage based on the outcome.

Yet Margot, who has a long-term boyfriend, insisted she and Harry are just friends. So director-writer David Ayer (End of Watch, Fury) counters with light and candy-assed. There are a few surprise appearances in Suicide Squad which for me was a real treat to behold.


There’s a saying in Hollywood, you never finish a movie you just abandon it and they literally walk in, it’s like the SAT test they walk in and they just say pencils down, walk away dude. “I’ve done kissing scenes where I have lipstick on and that’s a nightmare but to have two of you having the lipstick on, it’s terror”, she added.

That's it that is dope: Margot Robbie who plays Harley Quinn in the much-hyped Suicide Squad film has revealed that her gaudy on-screen attire was inspired by none other than the lead singer of punk-rock band Blondie Debbie Harry