
Deadly, ‘Horny’ Snake Found Snuggling In Woman’s Ugg Boot

The one-metre long snake, whose species most definitely prefers a warmer climate, is the world’s second most venomous snake but are the “scaredy-cats” of the snake family.


One UGG wearer might think twice about wearing her slippers after coming face to face with a deadly eastern brown snake curled up inside.

A sneaky snake has managed to slither its way into a woman’s woolly Ugg boot for a not-so-welcome nap.

This is the traumatising situation that a resident in Moana, south Adelaide, encountered when she saw the tail of a brown snake disappearing into her footwear.

She says the snake will stay in her care until the weather warms up. “It was a fairly easy catch, we just turned the boot upside down into a bag and it was done”.

The snake will reside with the snake catcher until the summer, when it will be released back into the wild.

“It saw her and shot into her Ugg boot”, he said.

Snake catcher Rolly Burrell told the BBC the woman discovered the snake making its way into her boot as she stepped out side of her suburban home.

“So they snuggle up somewhere warm as soon as they can”.

He said it had been such a cold winter and “everything wants to come out”.


“They’ve missed out on a month of roaming and mating”.

A snake in an ugg boot? Ah no thanks