
Deadpool Says Wolverine Appearance Was His “Career Low” in Hilarious New Video

But more interesting was when talk turned to the inevitable sequel that will assuredly happen in Deadpool does half as well as people are expecting.


Seriously, can y’all think of a movie that’s absolutely nailed its promotion as well as Deadpool has?

We’ve heard Reynolds’ Deadpool make reference to the actor’s appearance in the Wolverine movie before, but this is by far the boldest move yet.

In a surprising turn of events, a chosen few were able to watch the Deadpool movie before its release into theaters next month.

In character as Marvel’s anti-hero Deadpool, Reynolds claims he “can’t forgive” Australians for giving the world the widely panned film X-Men Origins: Wolverine. For one, the film has to battle its own R-rating.

And even though Ryan Reynolds has said he would fight to keep the R-rating for the Deadpool movie, as reported by Cinema Blend, there is a group of fans actively petitioning a PG-13 rating so their kids can enjoy the film as well. T.J. Miller, who was also at the Q&A panel, admitted that they did get carried away with this offensive stretch of dialogue, offering some insight into this scene. Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld, Stan Lee, and film cast TJ Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, director Tim Miller, and screenwriters Rhett Rheese and Paul Wernick delighted fans with their appearance.


“I’ve got no problem with Hugh (Jackman), I mean he’s a delightful guy, true legend”. Among them, one savvy fan shouted a suggestion for a sequel, if there ends up being one – Cable & Deadpool.

Deadpool Does His Best Aussie Accent In Special Australia Day Message