
Debate over how USA should handle Syrian refugee crisis reaches Wisconsin

On Tuesday Abbott made it clear that he considers Syrian refugees a threat to security, directing Department of Public Safety officials to check on the 200 refugees already settled in Texas, reported the Houston Chronicle.


In an apparent reference to GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump and Sen.

Investigators check for criminal records and certain civil information, such as if the applicant has applied for a visa or gone to a U.S. Embassy or Consulate to check for inconsistencies, such as claims of identity, location and nationality.

“When push comes to shove, the federal government has both said Kevin Appleby, immigration policy director of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, the largest refugee resettlement program in the United States”. Ted Cruz had sharp words for President Barack Obama over his comments regarding Republican rhetoric on Syrian refugees, saying his statement “is utterly unbefitting of a president”.

Gov. John Kasich is among the more than two dozen Republican governors who said this week, they want the stop bringing in Syrian refugees in the wake of the terror attacks in Paris.

Scott, like most governors, did not seek to completely wash his hands of the refugee problem. That means all eyes are on Congress.

In Congress, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have urged at least a temporary halt in the resettlement of Syrians.

The call with administration officials is part of “ongoing outreach and communications” with state and local officials, a White House official said.

“Some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were fleeing political persecution; that’s shameful”, Obama said in Antalya, Turkey, on Monday on the sidelines of the G20 summit.

LISA DESJARDINS: As Republicans mustered to block refugees, Attorney General Loretta Lynch defended the current system today before a House panel.

“I think we should have tough vetting standards”.

“Several governors expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to better understand the process and have their issues addressed directly by representatives of the agencies responsible for the refugee and screening programs”, the White House said in a readout of the call.

For the PBS NewsHour, I’m Lisa Desjardins.


Top administration officials will hold a classified briefing for all House members on Tuesday evening on Capitol Hill.

Sen. Ted Cruz speaks on Senate floor on Nov. 19 2015. He was rebuked by Democrats after offering a bill to ban Middle Eastern refugees from the United States for three years