
Debate Over ‘New York Values’

In one of several heated exchanges during the debate, Cruz questioned rival Donald Trump’s conservatism, saying he has “New York values”.


Ted Cruz’s invocation of “New York values” at Thursday night’s Republican presidential debate in a similar way.

“His hit on NY was disgraceful, frankly”, Trump said on MSNBC.

“They ran into the buildings and they were running up the stairs and they knew it could collapse”, Trump said while talking about first-responders on the ground immediately following the attack.

September 11 widower James Smith knows something about NY values.

In New York City, the Daily News greeted Cruz’s attack with a front page that declared, “Drop Dead, Ted.” De Blasio, a liberal Democrat, also noted that “I find myself, for once, in agreement with Donald Trump”.

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio have rallied around Trump’s defense of the city.

The New York Times reported Friday that Cruz wrote a letter the day before to federal-election officials to say both bank-loan disclosures had been “inadvertently omitted”.

“I apologise to the hardworking men and women in the state of NY who have been denied jobs because Governor Cuomo won’t allow fracking”. Even though there had been many high paying jobs just south in Pennsylvania, New Yorkers are denied the ability to provide for their families.

“I don’t understand [Trump’s] frenzied response because when Donald Trump was talking to Tim Russert, explaining how he’s very pro-choice, explaining how he supported partial birth abortion, explaining how he was open to gay marriage, his explanation – this is Donald’s explanation, not mine”, Cruz told reporters.

On Friday, Rubio attacked Cruz on the Texas Senator’s devotion to conservation principles calling him very inconsistent and casting doubt about the true beliefs of Cruz.

The issue over Ted Cruz’s citizenship is not going away.

I don’t think a lot of minds were changed by last night’s GOP presidential debate. “And if he had any class, he would apologize to the people of NY”.


“I imagine it pulled him out of bed this morning and send him tweeting and tweeting and tweeting”, he said. “New York values are the NY taxi driver who traveled three boroughs across four days to find the guy who had left $1,400 in his cab, so he could return the money to him”. His campaign took in only about $487,000 from NY contributors through September 30, according to the most recent filings.

Jordan Strauss  Invision  AP