
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Booed off Stage During Delegation Breakfast in Philadelphia

A turning point may come Monday night when Sanders, who fought Clinton to the end during the primary, delivers an address to delegates and a national television audience. The statement was signed by DNC leaders, though Wasserman Schultz’s name was notably absent.


In a statement, Ms Schultz said the best way for the party to accomplish its goal of putting Mrs Clinton in the White House was for her to step aside after the convention, which starts in Philadelphia on Monday.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump today blamed his rival Hillary Clinton for the email scandal that has hit the Democratic party resulting in resignation of head of the Democratic National Committee. Attending the California breakfast, DNC officials and Democratic members of Congress took their lives in their hands, as Bernie Sanders supporters erupted. She’d never faced a primary until Tim Canova launched his campaign for the South Florida seat. “Too bad Bernie flamed out”, using Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s initials.

But Sanders maintained that his support for Clinton is strong, saying his immediate message to his supporters now is that “disastrous” Donald Trump must be defeated.

With Wasserman Schultz out – what happens to the convention?

Referencing his interview with Clinton on CBS this morning Pelley said, “As I was reading the emails to her in the interview her eyes widened as if to say ‘what is this about?’ She seemed genuinely surprised”. While she was quickly stripped of her major convention speaking role, she was reportedly still planning to bang the opening and closing gavels and perhaps give some kind of non-prime-time speech.

That wish was granted after she was booed and heckled by her fellow Floridians. “The congresswoman, she’s worked hard in this party…”

“The resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz is absolutely appropriate and will enable our party to move forward”, he said. We know the voices in this room that are standing up and being disruptive, that’s not the Florida we know. But that really shows you that Florida remains the most significant battleground state and will make sure that Hillary Clinton is elected president … Security also escorted her out after she spoke, as U.S. News’ Dave Catanese reported.

Beyond the left-of-center street cred, Warren and Sanders are expected to push the appearance of party unity after a competitive primary season that has left some supporters of the Vermont senator flirting with the idea of staying home, voting third party, or even voting Republican. She was an early backer of Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and is currentlya senior advisor to the Clinton-affiliated super PAC, Correct the Record, which is working to get the former secretary of state elected. She will be the first woman nominated for president by a major United States political party.


Schultz will be stepping down as DNC chair after the convention, but on Monday morning, she said she will still maintain an active role as a Clinton campaign surrogate. “We don’t have time“.

Live from the Democratic National Convention					POLITICO's coverage of Hillary Clinton's nomination in Philadelphia