
Debbie Wasserman Schultz made decision to resign: Clinton campaign

It’s noisier on the left. He planned to march Monday from City Hall to the convention site.


Almost three quarters of our state’s delegates are Bernie Sanders supporters. “I think she put the party ahead of herself”.

That difficulty was underscored inside the official convention too.

Efforts to promote party togetherness were not helped by the publication last week of thousands of hacked emails, some of which suggested the DNC was favoring Clinton during the primary season.

In contrast, the Democrats’ approach borrows a page from Bill Clinton’s 1992 NY convention that featured average Americans and a video dubbed “The Man from Hope” that reintroduced an elite Yale Law School graduate as a southern boy who grew up poor.

And then there are voters like Valerie Duhl. “You’re not helping the democracy by doing that”, said Delahanty, a retired communications technician from Virginia.

The other issue is the vice president.

She was the first woman nominated by a sitting president as Chair of the Democratic National Committee that would formally anoint Clinton as the party’s presidential nominee.

Trump in the White House would “be so insane”, acknowledged Sanders supporter Marie Adams, 66, of Boulder, Colorado. Wasserman Schultz’s tenure at the head of the DNC has been rocky nearly since the moment she took over the job in 2011.

Many moderates still blame the Green party’s Ralph Nader for handing Florida and the presidency to George W. Bush in 2000.

“I think it’s going to force the party to be more honest with itself”, she said.

It’s an article of faith among vast swaths of Sanders’ disciples that the presidential nomination was stolen.

Philadelphia speakers include Anastasia Somoza, who was born with cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia and interned in Clinton’s Senate office; Karla Ortiz, an American citizen whose parents are undocumented and fear deportation; and Lauren Manning, one of the most severely injured survivors of the September 11 terror attacks whom Clinton helped to secure the medical care.

“She grew up as an ordinary kid in the suburbs of Chicago who went to public school”, said Melanne Verveer, the former first lady’s chief of staff, who remains a close confidante.

There were already hints of bias, such as the odd timing of televised debates. Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced that she’s resigning. He made a surprise appearance on the convention floor Sunday where he performed “Bridge Over Troubled Water” during a sound check.

Washington state delegates are split into two camps in Philadelphia this week at the Democratic National Convention. Norman Solomon said there’s talk of walking out during Kaine’s acceptance speech or turning their backs. Although Sanders has had kind words about him, some of his supporters say he isn’t progressive enough.

Williams has been a vocal supporter of Clinton during the entire election process thus far.

“I want to keep the political revolution moving forward past 2016”, he said. She would have voted for Sanders but is now searching for another option.

“To try and quash a candidate that’s running in your primary … it’s not a Democratic Party”, Quinn said. To the point Hillary and her supporters sound like the Republicans I heard 40 years ago. Other Republicans see his influence on Clinton as a possible soft spot in the Democratic armor.

A row of police officers stood between the stage and the protesters as the Florida congresswoman, who is up for re-election, finished her speech.

In addition, the Federal Bureau of Investigation recently slammed the former secretary of state for being too cavalier with her State Department emails, though she dodged her supporters’ biggest fear, a criminal indictment. She said the rowdy protest was uncalled for. She said her most important cause is getting corporate money out of politics. This is something Clinton promises to pursue, through Supreme Court appointments and an attempted constitutional amendment.


She does worry about Trump. She says her own voting dilemma is alleviated by the fact she lives in solid-blue MA, where she says Trump can’t win.

Don't count on Charles Adkins a Sanders delegate from Everett to get on the Clinton train just yet