
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Will Not Open 2016 Democratic National Convention Amid Contoversy

Williams and her friend Rose Washington are both Florida delegates who support Wasserman Schultz, but they feel her being part of the convention would only cause more problems.


DNC chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said she would resign at conventions end; but she didn’t get that far as Bernie Sander’s supporters were protesting the latest email scandal.

Many of the Sanders delegates are angered by the news that DNC staffers may have stacked the deck against their candidate in favor of Hillary Clinton. When the head of the Florida Democrats tried to quiet the crowd and told them to show respect, one demonstrator responded “you didn’t show us any”.

“But the good news for them is, I think that the same thing happened at the Republican convention and they have seemingly gotten together”, she said. Attending the California breakfast, DNC officials and Democratic members of Congress took their lives in their hands, as Bernie Sanders supporters erupted.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz had an abysmal weekend, and Monday morning started out no better for her.

On Sunday, Sanders issued a statement on Wasserman Schultz’s departure following the convention, saying: “Debbie Wasserman Schultz has made the right decision for the future of the Democratic Party”. “The party leadership must also always remain impartial in the presidential nominating process, something which did not occur in the 2016 race”.

Chris Riker, a pro-Sanders delegate from Miami, said Florida delegates received an email that Wasserman Schultz would be speaking at the Monday breakfast.

“So I can see there’s a little bit of interest in my being here”, Wasserman Schultz said.

The timing of the emails threatened to undermine the call for healing and unity after a contentious primary battle between Clinton and Sanders.

State party spokesman Jake Hamburg says the state party worked hard to ensure impartiality during the primary and had hoped to get Sanders’ wife to participate in the Schultz event.


“This party of justice and peace and Lyndon Johnson”, she said. Bernie Sanders and his supporters accused her of being partial to Hillary Clinton and have been calling for her resignation from the job since several months.

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the Spin Room following the Univision Democratic Debate in Miami FL