
Debris was from Boeing 777: Malaysian transport minister

“They are going to think any metallic object they find on the beach is from flight MH370, but there are objects all along the coast, the ocean continually throws them up”, said Jean-Yves Sambimanan, spokesman for the town of Saint-Andre where the wing debris was found.


“This has been verified by French authorities together with aircraft manufacturer Boeing, U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Malaysian team”.

Malaysian aviation experts were to meet their French counterparts and judges Monday to coordinate the investigation into missing flight MH370, days after the discovery of a washed-up plane part offered fresh hopes of solving the mystery.

The Malaysian delegation in France led by Department of Civil Aviation director-general Datuk Seri Azharuddin Abdul Rahman would be present during the opening of the crate, said Liow.

Malaysia said Sunday that airplane debris that washed up on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion has been identified as being from a Boeing 777, the same model as Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 which vanished early last year, Reuters reports.

On the search for the aircraft in the South Indian Ocean, Liow dismissed talk that the mission would cease.

Aready confirmed to be part of a Boeing 777, it is virtually certain to have come from the doomed Malaysia Airlines flight, as no other such plane is known to have crashed in the area.

“I’m the one leading the investigation in France for the analysis of the (wing flap) piece brought back”.

The flaperon has been shipped to France where experts are to begin examining it on Wednesday.

Authorities have so far been unable to establish why Flight 370 flew sharply off its route from Kuala Lumpur and disappeared.

“This is to allow the experts to conduct more substantive analysis should there be more debris coming on to land, providing us more clues to the missing aircraft”. I reiterate this is for the sake of the next of kin of the loved ones of MH370 who would be anxiously awaiting news and have suffered much over this time.


Liow said an announcement would be made once the verification process had been completed.

MH370 search likely to last another year despite debris clue